
Showing posts from July, 2024


  CAUSE OF OBESITY / OVER WEIGHT PROBLEM An In-depth Examination :- Obesity has become a global health crisis, affecting millions of people across all age groups. It is a complex condition characterized by excessive body fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. The causes of obesity are multifactorial, involving a combination of genetic, environmental, psychological, and physiological factors. This article will delve into the major factors contributing to obesity, providing a comprehensive understanding of this condition. Genetic Factors Genetics play a significant role in the development of obesity. Several genes are involved in the regulation of body weight by influencing appetite, metabolism, fat distribution, and energy expenditure. Hereditary Influence Obesity tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic component. Studies have shown that children of obese parents are more likely to be obese themselves. Twin and adoption studies further support this, indicating that...


How to make money on social media (Without having number of followers) Want to know how to make money on social media? First, let’s take a look at social platforms.    Most of the experts believe that Facebook is only for connecting with people and not for making money. But when you have built strong connection with your audience, you are going to want to utilize that connection to make some sells. Those people will be willing to buy through your links and recommendation as they believe in you. .It’s estimated that all the social media networks have a combined total of 3 billion active users. Social media is an indispensable part of many people’s lives. Social media networks are instant communication tools. People use these networks to share photos, receive news and weather alerts and as avenues for online marketing. If you read this article, you probably have one or several social media accounts. Accounts you use to stay in touch with friends. To keep posted on current affair...